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Websites often evolve like patchwork quilts.

In the end you have something that people can use, but it’s often more a collection of various pieces as opposed to a cohesive whole. If you haven’t stopped to evaluate the story your website is weaving, the site traffic statistics, SEO, and overall flow and design - you may be missing the mark with your audience.

Questions to ask during a website audit:

  • Is your website secured with an SSL certificate?
  • Are your plugins, theme files, and software updated with the latest versions?
  • How can we encourage more conversions/leads?
  • Are there broken links?
  • Is the content organized in an intuitive way?
  • Are CTA’s used effectively?
  • Is your website responsive and mobile-friendly?
  • Does the website follow UX best practices?
  • Are images sized and optimized for web?
  • How does the site rank and appear in search engines?
  • Are keywords, meta titles, and slugs used strategically for SEO?
  • What pages are most visited?
  • Does the website load quickly?
Why you need a site audit:

Your website content dictates where you show up in search results. The placement of your website text and the words you use are critical. Even worse, if you offer more services than what is listed online, you’re definitely missing out potential customer touch-points! You need to assess your site’s visitor traffic patterns to ensure that your content is accessible and clear.

Technology is always improving, and chances are, your website could use some freshening up. Simply put, if your site is not secure AND is slow to load, you’ve got a recipe for disaster on your hands. Regular maintenance ensures your webpages are working efficiently and on the latest software.

What you'll get

Audit price: $750


A detailed report assessing your website content and design

Speed Test

We will run a speed test and provide the stats and analysis

Next Steps

Our recommendations for improving the website and increasing leads

Get My Site Audited

Jenny's team overhauled or created copy and design for numerous pages on our website. Our primary goal was to have more visitors sign up for free consultation sessions. Over the course of their work we saw a twofold increase in the number of consults per week. Their marketing produces results and the team is wonderful to collaborate with. Thanks!

Caleb Simonyi-GindeleCo-founder, OnlyYouForever

Get My Site Audited

    Ready to get started?

    TwoTone Creative is here to help you understand your current state and chart a course toward a website that does exactly what you need it to do. Schedule a Discovery Call with us today to learn more about our website audit and design services.

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