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Hi! My name’s Elizabeth and I’ve had the amazing opportunity to intern at TwoTone Creative this summer.

I’m going to be a junior at Iowa State University this fall, and I’m studying public relations, Spanish, and leadership studies. This summer, I’ve been working on social media engagement, copywriting, and lots of marketing strategy for TwoTone!

A couple fun facts about me:

I love Spanish and am planning to study abroad in Spain!

I’m classically trained in ballet and have a huge appreciation for the arts.

I went to Game 5 of the 2016 World Series (Go Cubs!)

I’m an ENFJ and an Enneagram 2!

I’m an avid reader (especially if it’s a Jane Austen book)

I sang the National Anthem in front of 10,000 people when I was 9 years old (It was a little windy!)

I don’t know if I can fully put into words how wonderful my time at TwoTone has been. I’ve never met individuals more dedicated to their craft, their clients, or their mission as a business. Not only are they amazingly talented, but they’re the loveliest group of people! They took me in as one of their own from the first day I started.

My favorite thing about TwoTone is that they’re incredibly authentic.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, are they truly authentic? After all, authentic has become a buzzword in our culture for people and businesses to portray themselves in a positive light. Growing up in the digital era, I’ve become very familiar with these people that say one thing and do another. This kind of marketing is two faced and always leaves me unfulfilled, no matter the product or service I’m after. What’s different about TwoTone is that they’re the actual definition of authentic: genuine, original, and real. Their friendly and knowledgeable presence is exactly who they are as a business; they’re not trying to be something they’re not. I’ll be the first to tell you - TwoTone Creative is the REAL deal - what you see is what you get!

I’ll be honest - I’d never seriously considered working at an agency after college because many agencies have a reputation for overworking their employees and crushing their creative spirit. After 6 weeks of working at TwoTone, my perspective has completely changed. Yes, I know there could still be bad agencies out there, but TwoTone is what every agency should strive to be.

I don’t know how else to tell you: TwoTone Creative absolutely rocks.

If you’re thinking about utilizing their services or applying for a job, I couldn’t recommend it more. They’re the kindest and most talented bunch you’ll ever meet!

Elizabeth headshot
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