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Taylor Lors

Copy Editor

Meet Taylor Lors, a passionate Copy Editor with an unwavering dedication to the art of captivating storytelling and a keen eye for all things spelling and grammar. Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from Iowa State University, Taylor's journey into the world of marketing began in the healthcare sector, where she honed her skills before hearing about TwoTone.

Taylor approaches her work with a sense of purpose and devotion, blending her academic background with hands-on experience. The result is copy that wows, dazzles, and creates real traction for our clients. For Taylor, the dynamic landscape of marketing and social media isn't just a job—it's an exhilarating playground that fuels her passion and ignites her creativity.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Taylor enjoys the simple pleasures of living in the best Des Moines (West Des Moines). You’ll often find her reading, strolling around town with her husband Seth and their beloved puppy, Mac, or simply embracing the cozy comforts of home. An avid enthusiast of Taylor Swift, musicals, and podcasts, she fits right in here at TwoTone.

You didn’t come this far to only come this far.

“Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.”
— Ted Lasso




Chance I’ll turn down ice cream whenever it is offered.

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